First established in 1789 by Thomas Smith, Eilean Glas Lighthouse takes its name from Glas Island on which it stands. Located on the east coast of Scalpay it was one of the first four lighthouses to be built in Scotland and continues to provide guidance to ships navigating the stretch of water know as The Minch.

Eilean Glas Lighthouse, Scalpay

Distant Skye

On this day winds were forcing from the North, carrying dark clouds heavy with rain. Perched upon a small rocky outcrop, Eilean Glas remains hidden in the landscape until the final approach.

Usually photographed from a lower vantage point, South of the lighthouse, I opted to take a higher vantage point to the North. From here the small dock situated beneath the lighthouse becomes visible, as does the Isle of Skye, rising from the horizon some 20 miles away.

Photographing in windy conditions presents its own set of challenges. You have to contend with the physical elements of biting cold and struggling to keep your gear steady! But once hunkered down, the tripod set low and rucksack securely placed beneath me, there was nothing left to do but wait for the right combination of passing clouds and backlighting.

Dramatic Monochromatic

Given time to enjoy the wild setting, perched on a hill at the edge of the Outer Hebrides I contemplate the final image. Despite the freshly painted red and white stripes today felt like a monochrome day. It would suit the mood of the scene, adding drama to the contrasting sky and removing any distractions of colour from the land and sea.

In choosing to present the scene in black and white the viewer can appreciate the commanding stance of the lighthouse. This is an image of two halves. The dark, hard forms of the island met by the unforgiving blackness of sea, sit beneath a softly lit sky divided by the horizon. Joined by the shared tones of the lighthouse breaching that divide.

Linger a little longer and details reveal themselves. The stone walling, a dock house, and power-lines that now give life to the automatic light. The Isle of Skye adds distance to the picture, and the lighthouse becomes less prominent in the vast land and seascape which it stands.

I hope that you enjoy this image as much as I enjoyed capturing it!

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